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Short Selling: Tips and Strategies

Short Selling: Tips and Strategies

Short selling is a trading strategy that shortens the lifespan of an asset in order to profit from the difference between its purchase price and resale. Shorting has been around since stock exchanges were created, but it became especially popular during the Great Recession.  Many people lost their homes to foreclosure because they couldn’t keep up with their mortgage payments. To take advantage of this, investors began selling their homes through short sales.

A short sale occurs when an investor sells an asset and then immediately buys it back at a lower price. The difference between the two prices is the investor’s profit. Short selling is a risky strategy because it relies on the asset’s price continuing to fall. If the price of the asset rises, the investor will lose money.

Short selling is a controversial practice because it can be used to manipulate markets. Some people believe that short sellers are responsible for exacerbating the financial crisis. However, there is no evidence that short selling caused the crisis.

Short sales can be a great way for homeowners to avoid foreclosure. By working with their lender, they can sell their home and get out from under an unaffordable mortgage. However, there are some drawbacks to consider before pursuing a short sale.

First, it’s important to understand that a short sale will damage your credit score. This can make it difficult to get approved for a new loan in the future. Additionally, you may have to pay taxes on the forgiven debt, as it will be considered income by the IRS.

Short Selling: Risks

If you’re considering short selling, it’s important to understand the risks. Short selling is a high-risk strategy and should only be used by experienced investors. More recently, however, small investors have taken advantage of online short selling platforms to enter the market.

Foreclosures occur when a homeowner is unable to make their mortgage payments and the lender seizes the home in order to sell it and recoup their losses. Short sales happen when a homeowner owes more on their mortgage than their home is currently worth and they sell the home for less than what is owed in order to avoid foreclosure. In both cases, the homeowner will likely end up with a negative mark on their credit score.

While foreclosures and short sales can be an opportunity for investors to buy property at a discount, they can also be a sign that a neighborhood is in decline. If you’re considering buying a home in an area that has a high rate of foreclosures or short sales, it’s important to do your research to make sure that the neighborhood is stable and has a good outlook for the future.


If you’ve been short on mortgage payments for a while and have little hope of putting your house back in order, short selling may be the best option. It can be an arduous process, but it doesn’t have to be as bad as foreclosure. Short selling is less likely to hurt your credit score than foreclosure because lenders need to approve the sale before completing it. This gives homeowners time to make up their minds and do some research before making any commitments. 

If you’re considering a short sale, it’s important to consult with an experienced real estate agent. They can help you navigate the process and ensure that you get the best possible outcome.

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Tax Lien Wealth Builders is a group of experienced, active investors providing everyday people with access to one of the best Real Estate Investment vehicles available today.

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