State Information

Vermont Tax Liens

Vermont Tax Liens

Vermont Tax Liens

 Sale Type:  Tax Lien Certificates
 Interest Rate:  12% APR
 Bid Method:  Premium Bid
 Redemption Period:  2 Years
 Sale Date(s):  Varies
 State Statute(s): Title 32, CH 133
 Over-the-Counter:  No
 State Website:

Vermont State Overview

In Vermont, tax collector’s sell tax lien certificates to the winning bidders at the delinquent property tax sales. The winning bidder is the one willing to pay the most for the tax lien. Depending on when the homeowner redeems he or she will be charged a 12% penalty. Upon the expiration of the redemption period, which is 2 years, the investor may apply for the tax deed. The tax lien will remain in full force and effect for up to 15 years.


About The Author


Tax Lien Wealth Builders is a group of experienced, active investors providing everyday people with access to one of the best Real Estate Investment vehicles available today.