State Information

Tennessee Redemption Deeds

Tennessee Redemption Deeds

Tennessee Redemption Deeds

 Sale Type:  Redeemable Tax Deed
 Interest Rate:  10%
 Bid Method:  Premium Bid
 Redemption Period:  1 Year
 Sale Date(s):  Varies
 State Statute(s):  Title 67
 Over-the-Counter:  Yes – County Surplus Property
 State Website:

Tennessee State Overview:

Tennessee is a state that is a little different than most deed states because it is a redeemable deed state. One thing that an investor can do once he has won the Tennessee tax deed is to apply for an immediate writ of possession. If the writ is approved, the tax deed purchaser can collect rent on the property for the first year or until the deed is redeemed. This has been proven to be a very lucrative action. There is a one year redemption period for the State of Tennesee.

This annual 10 percent interest rate is simple interest. The 10 percent interest rate is added to any surplus or overbid along with the full amount of the tax deed price paid by the investor.

The highest bidder is the one that is willing to pay the most for each of the tax deeds. All fees, penalties, and administrative costs are included with the opening bid.

The tax deed buyer can take possession to the tax deed one year after the winning bid.

About The Author


Tax Lien Wealth Builders is a group of experienced, active investors providing everyday people with access to one of the best Real Estate Investment vehicles available today.