Will this replace the U.S. Dollar?

Can you believe this?

Inflation is so high that people are creating new currencies!

Goldback Inc has created what it calls the “Gold Back.” A paper currency with a small amount of gold inside it.

This is more proof that people are scared.

They know fiat assets are close to collapsing.

And they are rushing into physical assets to protect themselves! But probably the best physical asset you can have is real estate!

Why? Because regardless of what currencies exist, you can trade your real estate for a small fortune in ANY of them.

It doesn’t matter if Bitcoin becomes the official currency…

… or if the USD survives.

… or if this “Gold Back” currency takes off.

No matter what, your savings will be invested in something that has fundamental value.

Meaning inflation won’t hurt you! And even better than that. If you invest in real estate tax liens, you could pay 50% less than retail value… AND make 16% guaranteed interest on tax liens that don’t default.

To be honest, there are few better investing opportunities than tax liens in 2022.

>> Click here to learn more and see how to do your first tax lien deal.

Did The Stock Bubble Just Pop?

The Dow has collapsed by 1,100 points!

This happened in one day, and none of the so-called stock market “experts” predicted it.

While many investors were shocked by this sudden mini-crash… and now scared stiff of the incoming bubble pop… I am not.

Why? Because I’ve been burned by the ups and downs of Wall Street before.

And I promised myself it would never happen again!

(I mean, can you imagine this happening the day before starting your retirement? NO THANK YOU!)

Which is why I now find, buy and profit from tax lien deals using nothing but my laptop and a cup of coffee by my side.

Because I know I can:

  • Make money in any market.
  • Not have to worry about keeping a perfect credit score.
  • Make 16% ROI, guaranteed by the government.
  • Buy homes for 50% less than their retail value.

Want to see how I do it?

>>> Click here to learn more about my step-by-step process

If you are anything like I used to be, this will be the most important move of your life.

So do it now.

You can learn more from our free and informative workshops. Join us: https://www.tlwbevents.com/workshop

Investing in the American real estate market can be a lucrative proposition for those willing to take the time to learn about opportunities such as tax lien investing, which is sometimes referred to as tax deed investing. You hear about house flippers, real estate investment trusts (REITs), mortgage bonds, purchasing short-sale homes, and other investment strategies that have become popular over the last couple of decades.  However, many of these investment strategies require significant upfront capital, which can limit your ability to get started in real estate investing.

That’s where tax lien investing comes in. Tax liens are placed on properties by state and local governments when the owners fail to pay their property taxes. The government then has the right to collect the unpaid taxes, plus interest and penalties, from the property owner.

If the property owner doesn’t pay the taxes within a certain time frame (usually one to two years), the government can then auction off the tax lien to investors. The investor pays the back taxes and becomes responsible for collecting them from the property owner. If the property owner doesn’t pay the investor, the investor has the right to foreclose on the property.


Tax lien investing offers a number of advantages for investors, including:

  1. Relatively low investment amount – You can get started in tax lien investing with as little as a few hundred dollars.
  2. High interest rates – Tax liens typically carry interest rates of 8% to 36%, depending on the state.
  3. Security of investment – Unlike other types of investments, tax liens are backed by the government.
  4. Predictable income stream – With tax liens, you know exactly how much money you’ll make (the interest rate) and when you’ll get paid (when the property owner pays their taxes).
  5. Potentially high returns – If you foreclose on the property, you may be able to sell it for a profit, especially if the market has gone up since you purchased the tax lien.

There are a few things to keep in mind before investing in tax liens, however. First, research the laws in your state to make sure you understand the process. Second, remember that tax lien investing is a long-term investment – you may not see a return for several years. Finally, be prepared to do your due diligence on each property before investing, as some properties may have liens against them that you’ll be responsible for if you purchase the tax lien.

Despite these potential caveats, tax lien investing can be a great way to get started in the real estate market with a relatively low investment amount. If you’re patient and do your homework, you may be able to earn a high return on your investment.

Have you ever considered investing in tax liens? What other types of real estate investments have you considered?

You can learn more from our free and informative workshops. Join us: https://www.tlwbevents.com/workshop

Many of the topics related to tax lien certificates are covered in the real estate education courses that prospective realtors have to complete and be evaluated on before getting their professional licenses. Investing in tax liens is only possible because of statutes, rules, and legal processes enabled by revenue collection agencies at the county level.  When an owner of a property fails to pay their property taxes, the county can place a tax lien on the delinquent property. The property owner then has a specified amount of time to bring their account current and redeem the tax lien. If they don’t, the tax lienholder can foreclose on the property.

Since most people are not familiar with investing in tax liens, this guide will explain the process and some important things to keep in mind if you’re thinking about it. County governments place tax liens on properties when owners fail to pay their property taxes. The government then sells these tax liens to investors at auction. The investor pays the amount of the outstanding taxes plus interest and fees. The interest rate is set by the government, but it is usually around 1% per month.

If the property owner doesn’t redeem the tax lien within the specified time period, usually around one year, the tax lienholder can foreclose on the property. When an investor forecloses on a property, they become the owner of the property. The previous owner is then responsible for any mortgage or other liens on the property, as well as any back taxes that are owed.

Investing in tax liens can be a great way to make money, but there are a few things you should keep in mind before you get started. First, do your research and make sure you understand the process. Second, remember that there is a risk involved, and you could lose money if the property owner doesn’t redeem the tax lien or if the property is worth less than you paid for it. Finally, make sure you have the time and resources to manage your investment, as it can be time-consuming.

Judicial Foreclosures

A tax lien foreclosure is a process by which the government seizes a property because the owner has failed to pay their taxes. This can be a lengthy and expensive process, but it can be worth it for investors who are interested in purchasing the property. 

There are two main types of tax lien foreclosures: judicial and non-judicial. Judicial foreclosure requires that the process is completed through the court system. If no litigation issues arise, investors should expect to pay between $2,500 and $3,500 in attorney fees. Suppose the homeowner decides to deploy a foreclosure defense strategy.  In that case, investors should expect to pay between $5,000 and $10,000 in attorney fees. If you’re still interested in the property after a successful tax lien foreclosure, you’ll have to purchase it at a Tax Deed Sale.

Non-judicial foreclosure is a faster and cheaper process because it does not involve the court system. However, this type of foreclosure is only available in certain states. If you’re interested in pursuing a non-judicial foreclosure, you should speak with an experienced tax attorney to see if it’s an option in your state.

Investors should be aware that tax lien foreclosures can be a lengthy and expensive process. However, if you’re interested in purchasing the property, it can be worth the investment.

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There are always potential risks when you invest in tax liens and deeds. Below we will carefully explain how to avoid them. Tax lien investing is exceptionally safe. The government made it that way, but there are some risks. We want to make you aware of these risks and how to avoid making a mistake easily. 

The first risk is buying the wrong tax lien certificate. This can easily happen because tax lien certificates are auctioned off by the county. The bidding starts at the amount of taxes owed plus interest and penalties. The thing to remember is that you are not bidding against other investors. You are bidding against the homeowner. If no one else bids, then you get the tax lien certificate.

However, if someone else does bid, then you have to pay more than what is owed in taxes. This is where it gets tricky and where mistakes are often made. Many times, investors will get caught up in the auction and overbid on a property. They end up paying more for the tax lien certificate than what the property is actually worth. This is a very costly mistake that can easily be avoided by doing your homework and research on the property beforehand.

The second risk is not understanding the tax lien process. This can lead to investors making poor decisions and losing money. When you invest in tax liens, you are lending money to the government. The government then uses this money to pay for public services like schools and roads. In return, they offer you interest on your investment.

However, if the homeowner doesn’t pay their taxes, then you could end up foreclosing on their home. This is a lengthy and expensive process that often doesn’t end well for the investor. That’s why it’s so important to understand the tax lien process before investing any money.

The third and final risk is not diversifying your portfolio. This simply means not investing in multiple tax liens. When you only invest in one tax lien, you are putting all of your eggs in one basket. This is a very risky strategy that can lead to big losses if the homeowner defaults on their taxes.

To avoid this, you should always diversify your portfolio by investing in multiple tax liens. This way, if one homeowner does default, you will still have your investment protected by other tax liens.

Considering Liquidity

While tax liens and tax deeds can be excellent investments, they are not without risk. One of the biggest risks is liquidity. Liquidity can be defined as the ability to sell an asset and convert it to cash.

This is only risky if the investor’s cash in a tax lien or deed is tied up for an extended period of time. An investor’s money is tied up in a tax lien until one of two things happens: 1.) The tax lien is redeemed (paid off in full by the homeowner) or 2.) The tax deed is sold at auction.


By understanding these basic risks and how to avoid them, you can safely invest in tax liens and earn a great return on your investment.

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Though many small or rural countries do not have websites, counties make property information available online. This makes research much more manageable. It is possible to skim through physical records and find what you are looking for, but we find using county web tools much more straightforward.

Here are a few main points about county property records.

The county assessor’s records contain information the assessor uses to find the value of every. This information can help investors determine the value of properties they are interested in buying.

The county recorder’s office is where tax liens and deeds are filed. This information is important for investors to know because it can help them determine if a property is a good investment or not.

Many counties have an online database that contains this information. This can be a valuable resource for investors who are looking for properties to invest in.

When you are looking for a property, you will want to find out as much information as possible about the area. The county website is a great place to start your research. Here you can find out things like:

  • The amount of taxes owed on the property
  • If there are any tax liens on the property
  • If the property is in an opportunity zone
  • If the property is zoned for commercial or residential use

Other important investment tools available on the county website include:

  1. GIS maps
  2. Property records
  3. Deed restrictions
  4. Parcel data

Knowing this information will help you make informed decisions about whether or not to invest in a particular property.

Another great way to find out information about a property is to talk to the neighbors. They can tell you things that the county website might not mention, like if the area is prone to flooding or if there is crime in the area. Talking to neighbors is a great way to get a feel for an area before investing.

Finally, you will want to consult with a professional before making any decisions. A real estate agent or attorney can help you understand the process of investing in tax liens and can give you advice specific to your situation.

Real Estate Records

Just as in any transaction, keeping an official paper trail and record of any sale or change in ownership is an integral part of verifying a given property or purchase history. A well-maintained recording of all real estate transactions can be used to help identify potential fraud, investigate titles, and support property tax assessments. A recording of real estate records also serves as a public notice to everyone interested in a particular piece of property, providing information about who owns it and any recent changes in ownership.

The first step in recording a real estate transaction is to contact the appropriate recording office for the area where the property is located. The recording office will have specific requirements for what needs to be included in the record, so it is important to make sure that all of the required information is gathered before attempting to record anything. Once the recording office has everything they need, they will create an official record of the transaction and provide a copy to the parties involved.

While recording a real estate transaction is not required by law in all states, it is still strongly advised in order to protect both buyers and sellers. In some cases, recording a deed or other document may be required in order to make the transaction legal and binding. Even if recording is not required, it can provide valuable protection against fraud and disputes down the road. For these reasons, anyone considering buying or selling property should consult with an experienced real estate attorney to learn more about the recording process and whether it is right for their particular situation.

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What Is Real Estate Depreciation?

Real estate depreciation is the process of allocating the cost of a property over its useful life. The IRS has established property classifications and corresponding lives for depreciable real estate. In general, the useful life of residential rental property is 27.5 years while the useful life of commercial property is 39 years.

The IRS requires that depreciation be taken using the straight-line method. This method evenly removes an expense over the asset’s useful life. For example, if you purchase a $100,000 piece of equipment that falls in the five-year property class, $20,000 of expense would be removed each year for five years.

While most business expenses are deductible in the year they are incurred, depreciation is different. Depreciation is taken over the course of the asset’s useful life and is not a current deduction. This means that while you may have paid for the property in cash, you will not be able to deduct the entire cost in the year of purchase.

Deductible Business Expenses

Most people recognize that business expenses are deductible. Labor, cost of goods sold, and equipment purchases are all expenses that reduce a typical business’s taxable income. In the case of equipment purchases, they must typically be deducted from income over the expected useful life of the equipment purchased. Depreciation occurs by removing an expense over time. 

In real estate, depreciation is used to recover the cost of property over its expected useful life. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has established property classifications and corresponding lives for depreciable real estate. In general, the useful life of residential rental property is 27.5 years while the useful life of commercial property is 39 years.

Conclusion: Two Types Of Investors

There are two main types of real estate investors: those who buy and hold properties for the long term, and those who buy properties with the intention of flipping them for a profit. For investors in the first category, depreciation can be a valuable tool for reducing taxable income and sheltering cash flow from taxation. For investors in the second category, it is important to be aware of the tax implications of selling a property that has been depreciated.

In either case, real estate depreciation is an important tool for real estate investors to understand and use effectively. Whether you are a long-term real estate investor or an active flipper, understanding how to benefit your bottom line is essential for maximizing your real estate investments.

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Owning rental properties can be a great way to make money. However, it’s not for everyone. You need patience and discipline when you’re running rental properties to ensure that the tax deductions and tax breaks are taken advantage of in order to maximize your rental income.

As a rental property owner, there are several tax deductions and other benefits that can help you save money on your taxes. For example, the interest on your mortgage is often tax deductible, as are any maintenance or repair costs for the property. Additionally, if you rent out a portion of your home (such as an extra room or basement), you may be able to claim a rental tax deduction based on that income.

It’s also important to note that rental properties have their own unique set of rules, rental tax deductions and rental property losses. The IRS offers a number of rental property tax deductions that can really help your bottom line if you know how to take advantage of them.  Rental properties also have the potential to generate a significant amount of rental income, which can be a great help in offsetting any mortgage or other debts you may have on the property. Overall, being a rental property owner can be a very profitable venture if you know how to play your cards right.

Some of the most important rental property tax deductions include mortgage interest and real estate taxes. For instance, if you have a mortgage on your rental property, any interest that you pay on this loan can be deducted from your taxable income, reducing your overall tax liability. Similarly, real estate taxes are also deductible in most cases, making it easier to recoup some of the costs associated with owning a rental property.

In addition to these standard tax deductions for rental properties, there are also other strategies that can help maximize the profitability of your rentals. For example, one popular strategy is to depreciate your rental properties over time. This essentially means that you take an annual deduction based on the value of the property and its estimated useful life. This can be a great way to reduce your taxable income and make your rental properties more affordable in the long run.

Of course, it’s important to keep in mind that rental properties also come with a number of risks and challenges. For instance, if you don’t manage your property properly, you could end up with expensive repairs or even legal problems. Additionally, the volatility of the real estate market can make it difficult to predict how much rental income you’ll actually receive. Nevertheless, if you’re willing to take on these challenges, owning rental property can be a very profitable venture. So if you’re ready to start building your portfolio of rental properties today, make sure you do your research and plan carefully to ensure the most success.

Of course, there are also some potential downsides to owning rental properties. It can be difficult to find good tenants who pay their rent on time, and managing issues such as repairs or lease agreements can be time-consuming and complicated. However, with proper planning and management skills, owning rental properties can be a great way to generate a steady stream of income. So if you’re patient, disciplined, and willing to put in the work necessary to succeed, rental properties could be the perfect investment for you!

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Tax liens are a great way for real estate investors to increase their income. The question is: how do you find the attorney that’s right for your team? Finding the right attorney for your tax lien team can be an important decision that is not to be taken lightly.  You’ll want to find an attorney that is knowledgeable in tax liens and has experience in the real estate market.

When looking for an attorney, it is important to consider their fees. Some attorneys may charge a flat fee, while others may charge by the hour. You’ll also want to be sure that you are comfortable with the attorney and feel confident in their abilities.

It is important to do your homework before selecting an attorney. Be sure to ask around and get referrals from people you trust. You can also check with the Better Business Bureau or online review sites to get feedback on attorneys that you are considering.

When it comes to tax liens, don’t take chances. Be sure to work with an experienced attorney who can help you navigate the tax lien process and get the most out of your investment.

Important Considerations

There are many considerations to make when you need a lawyer or attorney. You have to be sure that they specialize in the matters you need help with and that their personality meshes with yours or it will not work out. Not only do you want an attorney who is up on the latest laws and regulations but also one who is willing-minded enough to work with your team for success.  One such consideration is tax lien.

A tax lien is a legal claim that the government has against your property in order to collect unpaid taxes. The tax lien attaches to the property and can prevent you from selling it or refinancing it until the taxes are paid. In some cases, a tax lien can even lead to the seizure and sale of the property.


If you are facing a tax lien, it is important to take action immediately. You need to work with an attorney who can help you negotiate a payment plan or dispute the lien. The sooner you take action, the better your chances of resolving the issue.

Tax liens can be a complicated and overwhelming process. You need an attorney who is experienced in tax law and knows how to navigate the system. With the right help, you can resolve your tax lien and move on with your life.

Some important things to keep in mind when looking for an attorney:

-Be sure to ask around for referrals

-Check with the Better Business Bureau or online review sites

-Consider the attorney’s fees

-Make sure you are comfortable with the attorney and feel confident in their abilities

-Be sure that the attorney is knowledgeable in tax liens and has experience in the real estate market.


When looking for an attorney, be sure to ask about their experience with tax liens. They should have specific experience in this area of the law and be able to guide you through the process. Don’t wait until it is too late – get the help you need today.

You can learn more from our free and informative workshops. Join us: https://www.tlwbevents.com/workshop

A property tax lien is a claim placed on property by a government entity as a result of the owner’s failure to pay property taxes. The property tax lien takes precedence over all other liens on the property, including mortgages and mechanic’s liens.

A property tax lien can be created in one of two ways:

  1. The property owner fails to pay property taxes when they are due.
  2. The property owner pays property taxes late, and the government entity assesses a penalty.

If the property tax lien is not paid, the government entity can foreclose on the property and sell it at auction to repay the outstanding property tax debt.  In most cases, the property tax lien will also attach to any other property that the property owner may own.

It is important for property owners to understand the consequences of a property tax lien, and take steps to avoid having one placed on their property. Some things that property owners can do include:

  1. Paying property taxes on time.
  2. Staying current on property tax payments.
  3. Paying property taxes in full.
  4. Making sure that property taxes are paid even if the property is sold.
  5. Ensuring that property taxes are paid even if the mortgage is refinanced.
  6. Working with the government entity to resolve any property tax liens that have been placed on the property.
  7. Hiring a tax professional to help manage property taxes and avoid property tax liens.
Property Tax: Digging Deeper

The property tax is a very common method of revenue for local governments all over the United States.

A tax lien is a lien imposed by law upon a property to secure the payment of taxes. A tax lien may be imposed for delinquent taxes owed on real property or personal property, or as a result of failure to pay fines or penalties assessed by a governmental unit against property.

The tax lien arises at the time the taxes become due and payable, even if the property owner is not notified of the lien. The tax lien has priority over all other liens and encumbrances on the property, except for mortgages and home equity loans that were recorded before the tax lien.

Government entities use tax liens as a powerful tool to collect property taxes that are delinquent. The tax lien attaches to the property and not the owner, so even if the property is sold, the new owner will be responsible for paying the back taxes. A tax lien can also act as a deterrent for property owners to keep their property taxes current, as the lien will lower the property’s value and make it more difficult to sell.


If you are a property owner who is facing a tax lien, don’t despair, there are a few options available to you. You can pay the back taxes owed, which will release the lien. You can also negotiate with the government entity to set up a payment plan. Or, you can try to sell the property to pay off the tax lien. However, it will be difficult to find a buyer who is willing to take on the responsibility of paying the back taxes, so you may have to sell the property for less than its market value.

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The kind of investor you are is determined by your resource constraints: the cash you set aside to invest, time available, ability to travel, etc. Try answering the following questions.

  • How much money do you have currently dedicated to this strategy?
  • How much time do you have to spend searching for tax lien certificates?
  • What is your level of experience as an investor?
  • Are you willing and able to travel to the properties associated with the tax lien certificates you purchase?
Tax Lien Certificate Investor

If you answered “I don’t know” or “No” to any of the above questions, you’re probably not cut out to be a tax lien certificate investor.

Tax lien certificate investing requires a significant amount of time and effort to be successful. New investors often underestimate the time required to find, purchase, and manage tax liens. If you don’t have the bandwidth to dedicate to this strategy, you’ll likely find yourself frustrated and unsuccessful.

Additionally, tax lien certificate investing is a hands-on strategy. You can’t simply purchase a tax lien certificate and forget about it. You need to be prepared to visit the property, manage the tax lien, and eventually evict the occupants if they don’t pay up. If you’re not willing or able to put in the work, tax lien certificate investing is probably not for you.

Finally, tax lien certificate investing is a niche strategy that requires a bit of experience and knowledge to be successful. There’s a lot to learn about the tax lien process, from finding properties to auction to understanding the tax lien process in your state. If you’re not an experienced investor, tax lien certificate investing may not be the right strategy for you.

If you answered “Yes” to all of the above questions, tax lien certificate investing may be a good fit for you. Tax lien certificate investing can be a great way to earn high returns on your investment with relatively low risk. If you’re willing to put in the time and effort, tax lien certificate investing can be a profitable strategy.

Investing in tax lien certificates can be a great way to earn high returns on your investment, but it’s not for everyone. If you’re not prepared to dedicate the time and effort required, you’ll likely find yourself frustrated and unsuccessful. However, if you’re willing to put in the work, tax lien certificate investing can be a profitable strategy.

Tax deed Investor

Most tax deed investors will have to travel to evaluate properties and make purchases at the auction. Most tax deed states require the investor to attend the auction to make a purchase.  There are a few tax deed investor strategies that don’t require travel, but they are generally less profitable.  If you are an investor that is looking to travel to tax deed auctions, here are a few tips.

  1. Do your research – There are a lot of different tax deed investor strategies out there. You need to find the one that fits your personality and budget. Not all strategies are created equal. Some require more money and some are more labor intensive. Do your research and find the strategy that is right for you.
  2. Get to know the market – Before you start bidding on properties, it is important to get to know the market. Go to a few auctions and see what types of properties are being auctioned off and for how much. This will help you get an idea of what to expect when you start bidding.
  3. Have a budget – It is important to have a budget and stick to it. There is nothing worse than getting caught up in the heat of the auction and spending more money than you intended. Know how much you are willing to spend on a property and stick to your budget.
  4. Do your due diligence – Once you find a property you are interested in, it is important to do your due diligence. This means checking out the property to make sure it is worth the price you are willing to pay. You don’t want to end up with a lemon.
  5. Have fun – Don’t forget that this is supposed to be fun. If you are not enjoying yourself, then you are in the wrong business. Find a strategy that you enjoy and stick with it.

If you follow these tips, you will be well on your way to becoming a successful tax deed investor. Happy hunting!

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